Join the lab!
We are always looking for enthusiastic new postdocs and grad students (especially if they come with external funding)! Please send a CV and statement of interest to Marco (
Depending on their research interests, prospective graduate students can consider applying to the Botany graduate program or the Genome Science and Technologies graduate program (GSAT) in the Faculty of Science, or the Plant Science graduate program in Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
A few funding opportunities below.
Excellent postdoc funding opportunities are (among others):
- Human Frontier Science Program (international applicants)
- Killiam postdoctoral fellowship (non-UBC applicants)
- Banting postdoctoral fellowship
- NSERC postdoctoral fellowship (Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
- MITACS elevate (Collaborations with industry)
For PhD/Master’s fellowships, see NSERC’s postgraduate programs.
Our Location
2185 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Our lab is located in the Michael Smith Laboratories (3rd floor) at the University of British Columbia.
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